Friday, April 16, 2010

Foolish Me
How to know if your Boyfriend really loves you or not

He treats me like a Queen: An acquaintance of mine said that her guy treats her like a Queen and there is no way he would cheat her behind her back. It is every woman’s dream to be treated like a Queen. But the truth is that it is not a guarantee that he is really in love with you or not cheating behind your back. There can be many reasons a guy may be extra nice to you. Some of them can be
- He has the money and he needs to spend it some where.
- He wants to keep a good image in front of you, his friends or family.
- He is guilty that he is cheating you behind your back.
- You give him what he wants so he rewards you with indulgences.
He says ‘I love you’ often: Men often exploit the emotional side of the Women by saying the three words or even convincing the woman that indeed he is in love with her. Many men use fake declarations of love to get sexual favors from the woman. The truth is if a Guy says he is in love he would be saying in many ways. Many things can reveal his feelings for you including the tone of his voice or look in his eyes or touch. So when a Guy declares that he loves you notice his behavioral patterns to decide how sincere your boyfriend is.
- Is he saying ‘I love you’ when he wants to have sex with you
- Is he saying it as a response for your declaration of love
- Does he normally say these words to all and sundry
- Does he say ‘I love you’ when he is drunk
- Does he declare his love even when you are not in the best talking terms
- Does he look into your eyes when he says it
- Does he declare his love to you in front of his family or friends
He says that he wants to marry me: Declaration of love and Marriage is one of the most used tactics by Guys to get women to bed. Most women are emotional fools and fall for these tricks. If a Guy is indeed in love with you he should not have any problem with making the commitment to you by getting engaged by putting a ring on your finger in front of his family and friends. He may even brag about you to his family and friends. Changing of topic or ignoring it when you want to discuss about your future with him is not a positive sign of a healthy relationship. Keep a careful watch on the time and situation a Guy makes a promise for marriage when you analyze if he is indeed serious about you to get into a committed relationship.
- Does he promise marriage when he wants to get intimate with you or want sexual favors from you
- Does he make ‘his world’ know that he and you are a couple or is he hiding you inside a closet
- Does he have any solid plans about Marriage
- Does he promise to marry but keep on postponing it
- Did you guys get engaged
- Does he love to go out with you in public or introduce you to his friends and family
He spends time with me regularly: This is a very positive sign when you are in a relationship. If your Man is spending loads of time with you and find excuses to spend time with you he may be serious about the relationship. Some guys may not be very comfortable expressing feelings of love but they may spend every available opportunity with you because they love you. He may even share your favorite pastimes even though he does not like them as wants to be with you. If a Guy is in love he may even travel for an hour to steal a few moments with you. If your Boyfriend is in love with you no matter how busy he is he always have time for you and is always attentive about your needs and priorities. He takes an active interest in matters related to you including your habits and likings if he loves you. When you are down he also becomes upset and puts all the efforts to make you happy. You may also often catch him looking you when you are around if he is in love with you. If your Man has excuses for not having the time with you beware but a goes out of his way to do things for you then it is a very positive sign of a good relationship. Here are certain signs you can watch.
- Is he happy when spending time with you and smile often
- Is he spending time with you because otherwise you would nag
- Is he spending time with you because he wants sex
- Does he spend time with you outside the 4 walls too
- Does he frown often when spending time with you
- Does he at least call and talk to you for some time when he cannot see you
- Does he have eyes only for you when he is with you?
He is full of Praises for me: If a guy compliments a girl often it is a positive sign in a relationship. If he tells you how he loves your smile or the way you are in all probability he adores you! You can take his compliments seriously if they are genuine reasons why he is attracted to you. But when he says that you are like Miss World when you are fat and obese be sure that you have got something he wants and once he gets it he wont even spare you a second look. Go ahead and check
- Is there something he wants from me? It can be anything including sex, money or promotion
- Is he a seasoned flirt and behave with every girl in the same manner
We talk a lot: Communication is a very positive sign in a relationship. If your Boyfriend is concerned about you and is always asking about your life and interests than talking about his likes, life or passions then it is a sign that he may be interested in you. A man who is involved with his relationship will always find an excuse to call you or be with you be it to share a thought, or ask your opinion or because he misses you. If the Guy is even nice to your friends and family and have positive interactions with them it is a positive sign that he loves you to even care about the people that you care for. If a guy gives more importance to his friends or work even if you are sick or in need of him shows his lack of interest in you. If on the other hand if a Guy is all talks about himself or do not communicate regularly then he is not the right guy to be with. There are several reasons why a woman may dump a man and this is a very valid one. However you can analyze some behavioral patterns to decide on how good a communication you share.
- After you have had a fight do you sit down and resolve the problem or do you ignore it
- Do you know what your Guy is doing and where he is most of the time
- Does is share everything openly with you
- Do you guys communicate regularly by whatever method it takes be it in person, by mail or by phone?
- Does he still talk to you like normal even after you have refused to sleep with him or he takes his time to call you again
- Does he break up or threaten you to part ways with you after you refused to sleep with him
- How does he behave or talk when he is angry at you? This is the time to watch out and be ready to face the truth.
He buys me Gifts and remembers all special Occasions: Men are not very good at remembering dates. But if he is in love he will not forget any special occasion. If your Boyfriend do not remember your Birthday, Anniversary or Valentines Day and give you a thoughtless gift rest assured that he does not care for you or interested in you. Sometimes Worse Gift Ideas are tolerated by Women but getting no gift is not forgivable especially when the guy keeps on declaring that he loves you. If a guy is all talks that he want to keep you in diamonds or want to retire with you to a good holiday destination or want to make money for you but cannot get you a gift on a special day then he is not for you. If he adores you he will remember even the tiny details about you. If he has a bad memory he will write it down in his diary or record it in his mobile so that he won’t forget a special day and makes all efforts to make the day memorable for his girl. Men in love with women will not let important events pass without celebrating it together. A man in love is a doer and just not a talker. You can check his behavior.
- Is he all talks about what he want to buy you or how he want to spend time with you but does not do anything about it probably he is the wrong guy.
- Does he remember special occasions on his own or you need to remind him of it
- He gets you gifts because otherwise you would nag
- What are his choices of gifts? Are they impersonal or picked up at the last minute or did he take his time out for choosing a nice gift for you. Or did he have a secretary or friend to shop for a gift for you?
To sum it up, If you want to know whether your Husband or Boyfriend loves you need to listen to your gut feeling or heart. You can make out if a person loves you from the special shine in his eyes when he is with you. You should also be feeling positive vibes when he is around you or when he touches you. If you are miserable and suffering in the relationship and does not feel comfortable or secured with him then he is not the guy for you. If your Guy is committed to you, treats you special and makes you feel comfortable and secured then in all probability he is in love with you and not faking it.
I got sooo bored and curious that i went internet find this. Hmm..Pretty true actually.