Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Movie Preview。。。信不信,由你

The first 3 days of my 2 weeks holiday has been wasted.
i want to go out. i NEED to go out.
Contd like this i will DIEEE. REALLY.
feeling super pek chek already.
Wanna get my messy hair done.
but dunno want to do what with it.
i want to keep it long and natural
dont wanna reborn...
but currently, its pretty unkempt.


And i really am getting crazy over burlesque.
looking at the preview only will gimme goosebumps.
Christina is really good man.unbelievable.
Cant wait. but its coming out only in november...


Went to watch Buried too, with my er jie.
The process was not bad. just super dont like the ending.
Oh. and throughout the movie we were mainly kept in the dark.
cos it was in the coffin throughout the whole damn show.. hahahah
Seriously. people who has got fidgety butts, Please. dont go and watch this.
It is a fantastic show with all the mixed emotions expressed out nicely by filming just a single man in a coffin throughout the show.
But honestly, i wouldn't sit through it again.


Looking forward to 童眼
Starring Rainie Yang... saw the preview in the movies
and i was scared until i just kept stuffing the popcorn into my mouth nonstop while my eyes were staring at the screen.
Thinking back. its really damn funny~
My first horror in the movies.
i usually watch it at home... so um.. i THINK i am looking forward?
hahah... i dunno also. i think i am la.

Update soonnn:) slping early.tmr got a day of work..zzz-.-