Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's just a dream. If only they could come true..

I just realised I've been living in a beautiful but fake dream which might turn into a horrible nightmare anytime. Maybe it's time I wake up...

It's reaally hard to make the first step, but no matter what, i would still have to end this.
I cant really see us being together in the future.
So that means, this would end sooner or later.
Might as well end it now when i have the will and power to do so,
instead of hearing it from him personally
and getting hurt again.

Actually i had stupidly made a mistake right from the start.
I shouldnt have embraced and accepted him back when he first came back to me
I should have known then,
that this is no good guy.
'I love you but we cant be together'
haha.This shall be a passing chapter in my life.
Nice Right?No?Yes?
Well, I think it's nice.

Im a foolish girl to ever believe that a guy like him would change.
That is like Impossible.
I mean, he would always be like that.Wont he?

Oh Oh.. i want to thank the many pple who have talked me through when i was facing this problemo.
Thank u W** J**g for all your consultations and you relating to ur past experience really helped me see things like how bad a guy could get...

Thank u Els** for deciphering the 2 kinds of guys in this world :) really opened up my thinking..Cos now i know guys like him are categorised under the second one..and u r right, mayb im too desperate to get a good bf.

Thank u S** H** & K**L* for listening to all my complaints about him and being there all these while when im emo-ing during the holidays. Spending time with u gals really helped me get through :)

Muacks u alll laaaa^^
I have decided.
And shall not turn back.
Hai,I always say this.
But this time round,
I shall be firm.
i seriously dont want to fall back into this kind of situation again.
Cos Its just really hard to get out once im in it.

Why in the world should i let him treat me this way
and let myself waste time on someone who is not into me.
It's not like nobody is jio-ing me..
Why should i so dumb-ly give the chance to him only?
There are so many guys out there for me.
Anyone would be better than him.

The problem is, when is the right time to tell Him and how..
Got to think this through. Quickly.

Angilica Ong

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